The Rotary Club of Space Center (Houston), Texas, and U.S.A.
Club 2010 District 589
Banners from other Clubs
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It is the custom of Rotarians to
exchange club banners
when visiting other clubs, and over the years many Rotarians
have visited the Rotary Club of Space Center and many of the
Club's members have visited other clubs. The banners from
these exchanges in previous years have been displayed at each
Club meeting. However the number of banners became numerous
and space to display them became difficult. With the electronic
archive web site, the banners can be preserved and
displayed electronically. Many banners have a special meaning to
the Club members and consequently some have written appropriate
messages beneath the respective banner. A special board was designed for displaying the banners at the club
meetings in 1975. This board was 66 inches wide and 72
inches high. Apparently this board was large enough
to hold all the exchanged banners at that time. In
Rotary Year 1993-94, an article appeared
in the newsletter stating that Sergeant at
Arms Donnie Johnson collected banners from all sorts of garage and attic corners and
had them sewn on large display dark blue
banners. These displayed banners were mounted on the
walls of the meeting room during the meeting. This
practice continued until the Club started meeting in rooms
where there was not sufficient wall space, i.e. the walls were
mostly windows. In 2009, the banners were removed
from the four blue display banners and exchanged banners that
had been received over the years that were not placed on
blue display banners were scanned and electronically
archived The
exchange banners are stored in the Rotary
history storage room. Five hundred and twenty banners have been electronically archived.