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History Home Page
Space Center Rotary 

President Dave Baldwin

vita of 
Dave Baldwin




The Rotary Club of Space Center (Houston), Texas, and U.S.A.
Club 2010  District 589

Rotary Year 2000-01

David "Dave" V.  Baldwin

Chartered August 6, 1964

Thirty seven years of serving the local and world communities with a passion for “Service Above Self”

President Elect
Susan Howe
Clay Fulcher
Laura Hale
Sergeant at Arms
Olive Murphy-Riker

Club Service A
J.B. Fox
Club Service B
Sheila Self
Club Service C
Marilyn Musial
Club Service D
Mike Duckworth
Vocational Service
Vissett Sun
Community Service A
Marc Schneider
Community Service B
Jim McDonald
International Service A
Greg Turley
International Service B
Dick Kidder

Sheila Self named the Club's Outstanding Rotarian of the Year

Most of the information was obtained from the  Directors Summary Report 2000-2001, the minutes, and  issues of the newsletter,  Blastoff. 

The Club met at the
Hilton Hotel Nassau each Monday at noon with interesting programs from guest speakers and several programs regarding the Club’s activities. Dick Gregg III was the Program Committee Chair.  The Club’s newsletter, Blastoff, captured the essence of many of the programs with write-ups and pictures as well as provide other interesting information such as make up locations and today’s song, Rotary and Club information, promoting the fundraisers and other worth while events and recognizing the fundraisers’ sponsors.  Jerome Bourgeois led the members in songs for most of the meetings and the members shared in saying the pledge to the U. S. flag, the prayer, and the Four-Way Test (Historian 2009: President Baldwin stated in an interview in October 2008 that he re-instated reciting the Four-Way Test at the Club meeting. re: Club Meeting Minutes September 5, 2000).  Rotary night at the Rodeo, a get-together at Armand Bayou, Christmas party, and a planned fun outing at Putt Putt provided additional opportunities for fellowship for the Club members and invited guests.  These fellowships were facilitated by Bill Taylor with attendance good and fellowship great.  Golf under the leadership of Bill Predmore continued to be a favorite.  The Phone Tree was handled by Bill Geissler.

Two of the Club members were former District 5890 governors,
Floyd Boze 1981-1982 and Billy Weseman 1993-1994.  Vince Lipovsky, a chartered member of the Club, 13 past presidents, and Floyd Boze continue to attend the weekly Club meetings.

The Club was put before the public on two  Government Access Channels, Channel 66 of Nassau Bay, and Channel 64 of Seabrook.  The Channel 66 has a coverage of Nassau Bay, Seabrook, League City, and El Lago.  The Seabrook Channel has a coverage in reverse to Channel 66, so that the Rotary events e.g. the Shrimporee were covered no matter which channel a person was watching.  Events were also published in the local newspapers.  During May, the club's presence was made known Worldwide by creating an Internet "Page."  The Space Center Rotary Club received a special price from GHG Corporation.  The organization and Officers and Directors were listed on  the home page.  Each Club service was also listed with its organizational responsibilities as well as Club activities for the upcoming months.  In addition, the Blastoff publication was available through a link process.  The Club was one of the few clubs which had a dedicated Internet page and a link to Rotary International and to District 5890.

The Board of Directors probably met 12 times in regular sessions however only 10 copies of the minutes have been located.  Actions and decisions by the Board are recorded in the
Minutes.  Attendance to the board meetings by the board members was seventy-two percent based on the June 5 Minutes.  The avenues of service committees and committee members can be viewed by clicking on committee members. The June 5 minutes also stated that 87% of members were involved in committees, some only in Shrimporee.  Senior members are majority of those not involved, but most have been in the past.  Billy R. Smith was the Club’s Parliamentarian, and maintained and interpreted the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws. 

Over $53,000 was given to service projects,  the Rotary International Foundation, and the Space Center Rotary Club Endowment Foundation.  The Club's financials can be viewed by clicking on Profit and Loss Statement from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, Balance Sheet including investments as of June 30, 2001, and the Administrative Budget and Service Budget   as of August 2, 2001.

There was only 15 (out a possible 45) issues of the Club’s newsletters, Blastoff, which can be located.  According to the editor in the Director's Summary Report 2000-2001, the newsletter was issued weekly and apparently in color since one of the found issues was in color.  The newsletters contained a variety of interesting items such as the essence of many of the Club’s programs with write-ups and pictures; future programs; make-up opportunities; Shrimporee and VIP Auction and Wine Tasting information; vitas about Club members; general information about the Club, District, and Rotary International; and promoting fundraisers sponsors and promoting worth while events.  Sheila Self was the editor and Bob Mitchell the photographer.  Photos were taken for most events and programs and used in the Blastoff. 

The Club’s membership at the end of the Rotary year was 162 members based on the  Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs for Rotary Year. The Club's roster as of April 16, 2001 can be viewed by clicking on  Club Roster.

This was the first year that a second major fundraiser, the VIP Auction and Wine Tasting, was held.  It was held at the Houston Yacht Club, Shoreacres.  It was a very successful event raising $24,114 with expenses of $8,980 leaving a net of $15,134.  The 27th Shrimporee was held on September 23, 2000 at the Clear Lake  Park  Seabrook, Texas.  It turned out to be a great event yielding $52,289 income with $8,028 expenses leaving a net of $44,261. The   Shrimporee and VIP 2000 Financial Statement   (dated October 17, 2000 and stated as preliminary) noted the total net money raised was $59,495.  However, the Profit and Loss statement noted an income of $57,000.  Using the $57,000, the amount of monies made from the fund raisers since the first recorded fund raiser in 1968 is estimated $750,847.   Extensive advertising was done by Pat Patton; Star Radio 101.3 FM, numerous articles in several newspapers and a  Shrimporee 2000 poster .  There was also a summary report of the Shrimporee by an unknown author, possibly  Pat Patton.

The Excellence in Education committee under the leadership of Joan Skellenger presented the winner of the 11th annual Teacher of the Year award on May 21, 2001 at a luncheon celebration at the Nassau Bay Hilton and Marina.  "We believe that this award demonstrates the appreciation and value our educators are so deserving of," says Dave Baldwin, Space Center Rotary President.  The finalists will each receive a gold teacher's apple, a certificate and $300. The Teacher of the Year for Elementary and Secondary schools will each receive $500 and a plaque, and their names will be engraved on the perpetual plaque that is displayed in the Clear Creek Independent School District office. The six teachers were, Kathy Sharp of C.D. Landolt Elementary, Nancy Harvey of James Haydn Ross Elementary, John Bryan of Clear Lake High School, Jackie Liddell of Clear Creek High School, Maryglyn Glenn League of City Elementary, and Pam Maida of Space Center Intermediate.  From this group, Maryglyn Glenn was selected the Elementary Teacher of the Year and Pam Maida the Secondary Teacher of the Year.  More information can be viewed on the press release.  

The Excellence in Law Enforcement committee, chaired by Bill Farries, awarded five officers with the Law Enforcement Distinguished Service Award.  They were Deputy Michael R. Franklin, Harris County Sheriff’s Department; Officer Gary Kraatz, Clear Lake Shores Police department; Chief Paul Shelley, Clear Lake Shores Police Department; and officer Bruce D. Wahl, Houston Police Department.  Officer Bruce Wahl was selected "Officer of the Year"  The awards were presented on June 11 at the club meeting.  A picture of the five awardees can be viewed in the June 18 Blastoff.   This was the 9th year that the Excellence in Law Enforcement Award was given.

Chair Dr. Adena Loston noted that the Vocational Excellence Award was for a person in the community that is an "Outstanding Business Person" and a community leader with notable achievements who has not yet become a member of Rotary.  The award included a $500 scholarship that goes to San Jacinto Community College in the name of the recipient.  The nomination is sent to the district level for further consideration for the District Award.  Jay Honeycutt was the recipient of the Club award and the District award.  

The Scholarship Awards Committee, chaired by Greg Turley, worked with school counselors for three high schools (Clear Lake, Clear Brook and Clear View). in selecting students for scholarship awards, basing decisions on financing need, academic achievement and general background. The financial documents noted $3000 was given for scholarships. View photos of the drug essay contest winners and winner.   This was  the 13th year for the program.

The Group Study Exchange team from England visited the Club May 6-10, 2001.  Hilmar Zeissig was the District 5890 International Service Chairman.  Read about the team.

The Club has hosted a foreign long-term student every year since 1985 making this the 16th year.  It was very active with the short-term exchange and provided major support for various District International Youth Exchange functions.  At the present time the Club had two youths  in this area.  The Committee is also involved in scholarship funds for designated long-term students.  A picture  few of the inbound and outbound Students can be viewed in the June 18 Blastoff  with Alan Wylie and Birda Gaskin.

The Health and Safety Committee chaired by Belinda Skloss worked on two service projects.  A program called “Safe On My Owe” for all Clear Creek Independent School District 3rd graders.  It consists of a latch key educational program that teaches safety principles to young children.  Another one called “Excellence in Health Education” award program which recognized school nurses and their work.  Congressman Nick Lampson was guest speaker at the Club meeting on April 30th supporting these programs.  The Community Service Committee chaired by Stephen Kelley was responsible for two wheelchairs procured and made available as loaners in the community when the need arose.  The wheelchairs were stored at the United Way Facility in Clear Lake.

J. B. Fox and Bob Mitchell of the Senior Citizens Committee placed computers in assisted living facilities and in nursing homes in the Clear Lake area to bring senior citizens into the world of computers with email and internet capability.  This service was expanded to assist the Bay Area Turning Point to come on line with computers, and also provided computer equipment to the Interfaith Caring Ministries.

Some interesting
documents associated with Rotary clubs working together to help a Russian student who wants to get a MBA in the United States.  An excerpt from an email reflects the tenure of the documents.  "An email follows from Alex Gabriles of the River Oaks Rotary Club dealing with an appeal for financial support to help a 21-year old Russian student who has gotten accepted into an American university M.B.A. program but cannot afford the cost. There are both general reasons and specific reasons why we might want to contribute to this cause."

Chair Bob Struzinski provided a summary of the world health activities:  The World Health committee brought children to the medical center from all over the world.  The committee matched children in need with the local health community (Dr. Fustok), provided housing and transportation, and made accommodations for family members.  Dr. Fustok treated children from Mexico for plastic surgery.  World health through the Texas Medical Center in Galveston treated children from the West Bank and Gaza for hip replacement and bone reconstruction surgery.  The committee had been inactive due to Charles Hartman being sick and then passing away.  Bob Struzinski, the new chair, has already set up a visit on June 12th for Dr. Fustok for one of his clients in Mexico (Blanca).  Blanca was in Houston for several weeks for further surgery.  This committee did a lot of work in helping burn victims in Mexico and with the help of Dr. Fustok have greatly assisted many people.  This committee began working again thanks to Bob, Vic Maria, and Carlos Villagomez.  Additional information from Director Dick Kidder can be viewed by clicking on World Heath Foundation.   This is the 17th year for the program.

Sheila Self received the Rotarian of the Year Award for her contributions to the Club.   She stated in a note in the July 23, 2001 Blastoff, " I was truly surprised recently when our outgoing Rotary Club of Space Center President Dave Baldwin presented the Rotarian of the Year award to me.  I really was shocked, surprised and very honored.  Receiving this honor two years in a row is truly amazing!!  I must really get to work now!! And the glass award is gorgeous."

The Club continued (ninth year) the Three Wishes for Christmas program which fulfilled Christmas wishes for children in the protective service of Harris and Brazoria Counties. These wishes were for youngsters up to 18 years of age, who are in special homes and institutions.  These children are not in Children Protective Services' care for things that they have done but for abuse or neglect, done to them by parents and others.  This year the Club purchased 32 bicycles and helmets for this program.  Vic Maria sent a
letter  to the General Manager of Wal-Mart complimenting the Manager of the bicycle department for his excellent customer service.  See a photo journey on bikes.

The Women of Rotary had a fellowship on May 20, 2001. 
View who attended.

The Club added 4 Paul Harris Fellows bringing the total to 234 since the first recorded Paul Harris Fellow in 1973.

The District 5890 Conference was held May 3-6, 2001 In Cancun, Mexico.   View photo gallery   of the Club members attending.

The 92nd Rotary International Convention was held June 24-27, 2001 in San Antonio, TX, USA.  There were 24,092 in attendance. President Elect Suzi Howe and two other Club members from Rotary of Space Center, Houston attended.  View photos of convention and the Club members attending.

The Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation presented Tommy Holloway with the 2001 National Space Trophy at the 15th annual stellar event held on March 2, 2001 at Space Center Houston.  Proceeds of the event went to benefit the High School Aerospace Scholars program held at Johnson Space Center for the 2nd year.  The front cover of the 2001 Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Program can be viewed by clicking on 2001 RNASA Program .    The names of the 2001 RNASA Board of Directors and Committee Members can be viewed by clicking on 2001 RNASA Board.   

Rotary year 2000-01 was placed in archives April 2010.  



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